Wanna buy a watch? A cool 4M should do it...

May 20, 2024,15:44 PM


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Oh yeah...he's on the apology tour after 8 years of denying that it ever even happened.

 By: Gregineugene : May 20th, 2024-21:36
WHAT!?! There's video?? I am sooooo sorry.

Very cool, will be very interesting to see where this hammers

 By: Fastwong : May 20th, 2024-18:00
Not for me but always fascinating to me see what kind of money comes out in these kinds of auctions. ...  

I will never understand the fascination...

 By: mdg : May 20th, 2024-20:05
...but it's not my $4M so...

Well...if THAT'S too rich for ya...

 By: Gregineugene : May 20th, 2024-21:48
...you could always spend a mere $400 on this here Pineapple...! www.cnn.com ...