Dear Purists: I wanted to share with the community a little photoessay on changing the strap on a RM005. As a Panerai collector, I have been clearly spoiled by the simplicity and ease of the strap changing system on modern Panerai (although the more vinta...
welcome the chance to archive this in the forum gallery. This will be useful to current and future owners who may want to swap around straps. I get the feeling that you missed your vocation in life and that after the photograph on step 4, I half expected ...
Dear Peter, Thank you for the 'Idiot's Guide to Changing Richard Mille Watch Straps' . I have 2 questions: 1) Are Panerai collectors really 'Strap Collectors' so that they can enjoy changing watchcases to match their straps? 2) How do you blunt your knife...
At one point, the resale value of my strap collection could have supported a minor kitchen remodel or preferably, a new timepiece. I would guess that the strap culture and secondary market for straps accelerated as Panerai's popularity increased. I would ...
I have a set of watchmaker's tools for changing straps, buckles and bracelets. The springbar tool is supplied. I thought there was something esoteric about RM watches that needed a special blunt knife I like the KISS principle.... Regards, MTF