Thank goodness! ;) [nt]

Jan 17, 2017,15:35 PM

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 By: fernando : January 16th, 2017-20:14
Views of the city can sometimes be fascinating depending on the perspective and the amount of information shared. I hope to improve capturing these when I am presented with such views at certain vantage points as it's easy to overlook them when doing stre...  

Great cityscapes.

 By: TheMadDruid : January 16th, 2017-20:42
What lens(es) did you use?

Hi Padj.

 By: fernando : January 16th, 2017-21:00
The first 2 was with a Fujinon 18mm (27mm equiv.) F2 lens, the third a 14mm (21 equiv.) F2.8 and the last a 23mm (35 equiv.) F2. Thanks.

Thanks, Fernando.

 By: TheMadDruid : January 17th, 2017-09:28
Really nice. As best I can tell you passed the Dr. Tom test. I don't see distortion anywhere on the edges.

Thank goodness! ;) [nt]

 By: fernando : January 17th, 2017-15:35


 By: InHavenPro : January 16th, 2017-21:07
Love them all! Filip

Thanks Filip! [nt]

 By: fernando : January 17th, 2017-05:05

I think...

 By: Esharp : January 16th, 2017-22:09
I need to go check out Sapporo! Best E. PS. I\'m actually serious. Mrs E just told me that for her birthday at the end of February she wants to go to Japan, to check out Hokkaido and maybe try learning how to ski. Could be fun...

Make sure to visit...

 By: mdg : January 17th, 2017-00:19
...the Nikka Whisky factory if you go : )


 By: Esharp : January 17th, 2017-05:27
Noted! Any other tips? Best E.

Yes...a very important one...

 By: mdg : January 17th, 2017-20:38
...don\'t use a driver (my wife in this case) who has never driven on the left side of the road and doesn\'t speak Japanese. It\'s a recipe for disaster...and I can say that from firsthand experience. I already had gray hair and now I have more : )

I highly recommend it E! [nt]

 By: fernando : January 17th, 2017-05:05

Thanks Fernando!

 By: Esharp : January 17th, 2017-05:27
I\'ll start to research it now! best E.

Great shots again Fernando

 By: Alkiro1 : January 16th, 2017-22:58
I have a preference for the two first ones... may be because I\'m a snow addict Best wishes Alkiro

Thanks Alkiro.

 By: fernando : January 17th, 2017-05:09
Here's one in the middle of nowhere. Taken with the phone. cheers fernando ...  

Very cool. Many thanks ;-)

 By: Alkiro1 : January 17th, 2017-07:45
Best wishes Alkiro

Truly great shots dear Fernando

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : January 17th, 2017-00:30
truly great...never had such hard time deciding which one I like most..if arm is twisted...first one Cheers D

The second photo...

 By: cshimokita : January 17th, 2017-03:09
Know the location quite well... but the twilight city view in the first is a winner. There is a certain fascination with cityscapes... ___________ At the moment I am in Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture... today was the castle, shrines, and a five level pagoda.... 

I hope you made it a productive walk.;)

 By: fernando : January 17th, 2017-05:17
Looking forward to the photos. Walking and photography really go hand in hand. I walk more now with a camera in hand. Best fernando

My first time to Devil's Peak.

 By: fernando : January 17th, 2017-15:45
Pity it was one of those bad air days. Everything around central was a bit hazy. As you can see here. cheers fernando ...  

My Fave

 By: Quan : January 19th, 2017-17:53
is #1 and #2 The #1 you make it looks a flat city... #2 nice perspective...

Thank you for sharing....

 By: watercolors : January 20th, 2017-00:44
those top pictures with us. I like them all. Best Regards Edward