Downtown Scrollin' Royale

Feb 04, 2025,03:13 AM

This set is the bulk of the images I took downtown on Sunday night. Hope you enjoy them. X2D, 28mm....

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Nice shots, make me think to Drive (the movie with Gosling)

By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : February 4th, 2025-05:52
I'm by far the last person that can judge the quality, but aren't there few photos too bright for being shot are night? Is it because of lens pointing to the lights? Trying to improve my extremely poor knowledge😅

I did enjoy that movie quite a bit, despite not being a cinephile myself....

By: InHavenPro : February 4th, 2025-06:08
Nicolas Winding Refn is not only a competent film director, but a genuine artist. I wholeheartedly appreciate your sentiment! In terms of the ambient lighting, it's a combination of the vast amount of street lights, combined with the camera's auto ISO set...