Yes the thread got locked because....

Jun 21, 2011,23:49 PM


Yes the thread got locked because I'm overly tired of such interested discussions.

Let me state it:  Patek Philippe is a commerical company producing and selling watches to make money. It has never been differently. They manage their business and they do it quite well. There is no reason to be uncomfortable with that.

It happens that watches are a subject of passion (at least supposedly for those attending here) and Patek Philippe watches are among the most exhilarating watches.

We do not tolerate discussions about value here (as I've always understood it) because money is not the reason for the passion of the creators of the site, because money definitely detracts from passion.

We also do not tolerate discussions about value because quite often those wishing these disucssions have been coming here with an agenda.

It is very easy to manipulate opinions with false informations, or "un-informations". For instance the recent discussion with Bruno about the production runs of the 5070. I don't see Bruno having an agenda on this subject but I see many people with an agenda on this reference as it has been the hottest PP reference in the last decade. All figures given are necessarily unfounded as they are estimates without sound base. What if you learn in 5 years that 20 000 5070pieces were produced. Why would do you think that's not possible? Why would you think more easily that they made only 3 or 4000 pieces?

Do you see were I'm going?  All discussions about value are generally based on impressions, speculations, manipulation......

If you're a watch fan, love a piece, can afford it and buy it, do you really bother if it will loose 20%, keep its value or make 20%? Does that make such a difference for you? If yes, maybe you should not put your money into watches because if you think they're an investment you've been misleaded!

Do you seriously think that Patek Philippe watches make money? Second hand prices are nearly always below list price, except for a very little few modern references and for some vintage rare and looked after pieces.

As written I'm tired. To some extent I find this aspect of Patek Philippe as repulsive.

Now let's be clear. As of now all discussions about value will be immediately and totally deleted without further notice nor warning.

If you want to discuss value, open your watch investment forum.

Thank you for reading.


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Unbelievable locks...

 By: Expat : June 21st, 2011-12:41
Unbelievable that a thread like "Is Patek inextricably linked to value considerations?" has been locked. It showed fair and open meanings... One step further and this forum will only be a platform for the "Oh nice watch, drool, drool" and " My first Patek... 

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Do we like posts such as " Will it keep its value " What is the rarer " ...

 By: amanico : June 21st, 2011-13:56
" What is the most collectible ", and so on? I just ask, respectfully, and wonder where is the interest of such posts? Isn't it more interesting to speak about watches, rather than their rarity, collectablity, value? Of course we can also wonder why this ... 

Not gentlemen like would be to talk about discounts at the AD ...

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... appart from that: I learned from here, also, what model is considered rare, collectible and valueable. And I must say: this falls into the category Information ---> and that is also standing under the PuristSPro logo. I do not see anything wrong in th... 

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This is certainly an interesting subject with different perspectives worldwide. The post and the responses were well within a gentlemanly conversation regarding the subject dealing with perceptions and not dwelling on specifics, which for some reason requ... 

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 By: markieesq : June 21st, 2011-14:25
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Some personal perspectives

 By: Nomer : June 21st, 2011-15:29
My personal thoughts on this: 1. This is a private website and ultimately the moderators and management can chose to allow or not allow posts on watch value - it's really down to how users behave and whether they chose to take their posts elsewhere. It's ... 

Let's be honest with each other

 By: jonrus : June 21st, 2011-17:12
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Yes and No.

 By: TdotBean : June 21st, 2011-17:59
We do ask the question you mention but that's oversimplifying things and altogether misleading. What actually happen is that not more than 20% of the conversations revolve around the topic on price the rest is about why this watch and feelings about this ... 

What I know ..

 By: Aussie : June 21st, 2011-19:06
Any consideration of future value is just speculation on everyone's part. I can tell you the man at the top smiles when speculators come into the market because that is the single best way to increase prices. Just wait and see the new price increase next ... 

First off, as said above this is not a democracy.

 By: docsnov : June 21st, 2011-19:02
The management also does not work for watch companies which is why so many enjoy this site. Perhaps the post in question is in a grey area as to subject matter, but it is obviously a primary objective of this site to be free of all discussions related to ... 

Please try to quote this in William M's forum,

 By: JamesWirral : June 21st, 2011-20:14
and you will realised how so kind the mod is in this forum.

The advanatge of not discussing prices

 By: grigo : June 21st, 2011-22:17
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I thought its a known fact watches, or luxury products have no value

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Yes the thread got locked because....

 By: Dje : June 21st, 2011-23:49
Hi, Yes the thread got locked because I'm overly tired of such interested discussions. Let me state it: Patek Philippe is a commerical company producing and selling watches to make money. It has never been differently. They manage their business and they ... 

My thoughts and....

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