Yes - follow on Instagram and really enjoy the material

Feb 11, 2021,14:17 PM

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Hi All, This seldom seen watch belongs to our long time lurker who is “horology_ancienne”

 By: GLau : February 10th, 2021-07:51
in another online media and is still too shy to post on our wonderful forum ! Despite my best efforts, for now “hc” is simply happy to stay in the dark while sharing his passion with us vicariously through yours truly. So please help me in pulling him int...  

Hi Bill, we need to bring him out

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:39
into the light !

Absolutely stunning watch. Now this is Patek Philippe at their absolute best

 By: Miles_151 : February 10th, 2021-08:16
Breathtaking. Thank you for sharing. M.

yes, very

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:40
stunning piece indeed !

Thanks for sharing this superb piece Gordon👍If there’s one interesting and knowledgeable, watch-related page on the entire IG, that is indeed “horology_ancienne”...well known even to me without an IG account!😉

 By: FabR : February 10th, 2021-08:46
The two gentlemen behind this account should definitely feel free to join our forum, if they so wish — I would say (though I’m slightly partial here) the friendliest, most passionate, and most educated watch venue on the whole web....or am I exaggerating?... 

Hi Fab, you are absolutely

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:40
understating the power of our Patek forum !

Very familiar with "Horology_Ancienne" via his IG page. IMO worth downloading the app if you do nothing else but follow his page, it's that good.

 By: Tavio_George : February 10th, 2021-09:34
Quick story...We connected over IG over one of his many wonderful posts. Based on that convo he mentioned having a piece that I would really appreciate and he would let me know when he would post it. Didn't hear from him after that and just thought he for... 

I’ve had many exchanges with him. A true gent for sure

 By: Miles_151 : February 10th, 2021-09:42
And a knowledge and passion to match. M.

Yes, "ha" is a pure

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:42
gentleman and an excellent and very knowledgeable PuristS long time lurker !

Amazing piece. Love the details.

 By: vitalsigns : February 10th, 2021-09:48

yes, the photos are so

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:42
delicious !

Amazing watch and condition!

 By: Chris_Nor : February 10th, 2021-09:55
Please share more ! Best Chris

I will try my best to get "ha" to

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:43
share more !

yes, absolutely very

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:44
well written by "ha" !

how can we

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:44
bring this lurker out ??

Asking him.... ;)

 By: amanico : February 11th, 2021-09:45

are you

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:45
following him on IG ?

Thanks for sharing Gordon.

 By: Jay (Eire) : February 10th, 2021-10:41
While Patek is not my bailiwick this sub-forum and Horology Ancienne IG have been great sources of information. It would be great to see some of the IG discussions shared here. And the associated watches too !

HA has

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:45
many grails !

well, please draw

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:46
"ha" into this forum !

glad you

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:46
like it !

alternatively we get "ha" into

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:47
the bright side so that you do not need IG !

Beautiful photos of a stunning timepiece...

 By: nacelle : February 10th, 2021-16:16
Please come out "hc".

thank you nacelle for

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:48
your encouragement to "ha" !

have you seen

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:49
it in the metal ?

Unfortunately no

 By: Spartacus : February 15th, 2021-12:43

Breathtakingly beautiful

 By: Watcholic_id : February 11th, 2021-05:44
have been following HC IG & really love his posts. please keep them coming thanks for sharing those superb pics! cheers

yes, let's get HA

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-09:49
coming out to the light in our forum !

Wow, what a gem 💎😍🔥

 By: holdemchamp1225 : February 11th, 2021-10:49

totally agree !

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-14:14
A rare gem that I never knew about !

"ha"'s photos and

 By: GLau : February 11th, 2021-14:14
writing are excellent !

Hello GLau!! I have been following and enjoying Horology Ancienne IG account for some time- He owns a superb collection and shares his passion and knowledge through his posts. I wish he...

 By: Subexplorer : February 11th, 2021-14:49
... will join our Forum after viewing his superb 1563 pictured here. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful shots! Cheers! Abel

Hi Abel, Hopefully our appreciation

 By: GLau : February 12th, 2021-05:14
for the collection and comments of “ha” will bring this long time lurker into the light 💡!