Love the pairings! Looking good and glad to see non oem colors and leathers

Mar 01, 2022,15:42 PM

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New straps for some of my Pateks.

 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-15:37
Patek,as most other brands,is very conservative when it comes to OEM straps: mostly dark glossy alligator straps. So I decided that it was time to give a bit of a different look to some of my watches. The 6119 G from black glossy to a mat british green: T...  

Excellent! They all look great 👍

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : March 1st, 2022-15:40

Many thanks!

 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-16:55


 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-16:56

Excellent choice.

 By: fmc000 : March 1st, 2022-15:46
They look absolutely perfect.

Thanks a lot!

 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-16:56

Beautiful choices!

 By: mblum3 : March 1st, 2022-15:54
And beautiful watches!

Love them — excellent choices, and equally elegant👍

 By: FabR : March 1st, 2022-15:59
PS: Note however that while many of the straps that originally come with the watches are necessarily more “conservative,” Patek itself does offer a variety of options which can be ordered via your AD… This is for instance a flashy yellow strap for my incr...  

Yes,PP has an excellent choice of straps.

 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-17:03
Very good quality BUT these are also about the stiffest leather straps that I have ever encountered. Having a large collection I have no chance of "breaking them in" and that is why I now prefer straps that are softer and more comfortable right from the b... 

Brilliant combos.

 By: InHavenPro : March 1st, 2022-15:59
In particular, the green strap really stands-out from what is seen the vast majority of the time! The other ones are just as effective overall . Thanks for the lovely pictures, Filip

Nice changes!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : March 1st, 2022-16:18
For me, the grey theme 5170 is the tops.


 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-17:06


 By: MPP : March 1st, 2022-22:29

Well done to

 By: GLau : March 1st, 2022-17:25
spice them up ! 👍 Looking great !

Many thanks.

 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-22:05

Great combos! And a really great collection of Pateks, to start with.

 By: mrds : March 1st, 2022-18:13
My faves are the grey 5170 and the wonderful green 6119. I think the 6119 could look great on a many different straps.

Three stunning and classy combos

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : March 1st, 2022-20:44

Thanks a lot.

 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-22:05

Very nice!

 By: KCLQMULKU : March 1st, 2022-21:10


 By: jlux : March 1st, 2022-22:06

Love all of these choices! Tasteful and lively.

 By: BuffaloWatch : March 4th, 2022-15:03
I get what you say about the “conservative” OEM. I want to change out the glossy black alligator on my 5196P and started an email dialogue with Henri Stern in NYC. These choices can’t be done remotely so when I’m next in New York I will do comparisons. PP...