Great green strap choice. With the dark brown stock, perhaps also add a nice medium-tan one to help visually 'luminate' the scene.

Jul 31, 2024,15:53 PM

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What a difference a strap makes, at least to me.

By: NautNut : July 31st, 2024-13:52
I so much prefer the green strap over the original brown which almost looks black if direct light isn't on it. While it may not necessarily be a "strap monster" I think a lighter shade of brown or tan/PPmink may work. Have a great day everyone! ...  

This is one crazy watch! The depth is just incredible!

By: dedestexhes : July 31st, 2024-13:58
A lot of the Patek rare handcrafts I admire just for the work they require. This one however is also gorgeous. Thx for sharing, Dirk

What time is it?? I guess I don't care with this art watch...

By: Clueless_Collector : July 31st, 2024-16:11
Similar to my 5231J, after I swapped out the original tan with the green few years ago, I have not switched back.

Green works much better 👍

By: GLau : August 1st, 2024-05:31
The brighter the better 😃 What occasions do you usually wear this piece ?

When I'm gardening :)

By: NautNut : August 1st, 2024-19:47
Seriously, mostly for work (suits). While I treasure my watches, I do wear them and not make them safe queens.