Love this one! Definitely one of my all time favorites 👌

Dec 01, 2023,15:57 PM

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Patek Philippe 5070G On " Pavés de Paris ".

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-15:42
Just couldn't resist... Best, Nicolas ...  

WOW Nicolas ! Lovely piece naturally ! Short sleeve with this piece

 By: GLau : December 1st, 2023-15:55
walking around in Paris !? Is it safe ?

Great news ! Bad guys do

 By: GLau : December 1st, 2023-16:44
not know about this piece ?


 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-16:07

A one watch Patek collection if there ever was one.

 By: Bill : December 1st, 2023-16:02
Sporty and classic functional and beautiful.

Trainers for car... ;)

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-16:10


 By: amanico : December 2nd, 2023-09:50

Thank you so much, mon ami.

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-16:11

Great shot

 By: TeutonicCarFan : December 1st, 2023-16:10
Enjoy that beauty

Thank you, mein freund.

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-16:11

Amazing 🤩 watch sir

 By: Horology75 : December 1st, 2023-16:15

Merci, O.

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-16:22

Full hands down when...

 By: Jtl : December 1st, 2023-16:38
facing one of my all-time favorites from your horological weaponry. You win my friend.

Cheers my friend.

 By: Jtl : December 1st, 2023-16:42


 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-16:43

Your wrist carries that one well.

 By: Jay (Eire) : December 1st, 2023-16:43
It’s a cool one no question, and visually I definitely prefer it over its successors even if their size would ultimately be more fitting for my wrist.

Same for me, mon ami...

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-16:43

Amigo. You are just so darn cool.

 By: Miles_151 : December 1st, 2023-16:47
Great shot of a fabulous Patek Chrono. I assume I’m not seeing you next week 😔😔. M.

Will do.

 By: Miles_151 : December 1st, 2023-17:48

Merci! :(

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-17:57


 By: chris7509 : December 1st, 2023-17:26
Elle est très belle . Mais c'est pas une photo du jour non il fait trop froid .. It s very cold in Paris today

I don’t know a whole heck of a lot about Pateks,

 By: RabidManatee : December 1st, 2023-18:07
but every time I see one of these posted I’m smitten. The design is cohesive; je ne sais quoi!

You have a great eye, mon ami!

 By: RabidManatee : December 1st, 2023-22:08

It is hard to resist that beauty!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 1st, 2023-18:46

You just can't.

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-21:31

Eventually i am sure i will cave in!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 2nd, 2023-14:32

Diet time, then. :))))

 By: amanico : December 2nd, 2023-17:44


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 2nd, 2023-18:28

I am not sure but I’ll try!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 2nd, 2023-18:29

LOL. I knew it!

 By: amanico : December 2nd, 2023-22:49

You can probably guess which brand as well 😎

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 2nd, 2023-23:12

;) Merci, Yaco.

 By: amanico : December 3rd, 2023-00:41

Mine sends its fond regards…

 By: Chromatic Fugue : December 1st, 2023-19:28
… and if it weren’t for your past posts about this glorious reference, Nico, I don’t think I’d have bought one. So thank you! ...  

Great shot.

 By: hora12reborn : December 1st, 2023-21:10


 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-21:31

magnificent picture and watch

 By: : December 1st, 2023-20:29
I too purchased this same model based on your wonderful posts Stay well my friend Hopefully we will catch up again one day Julian

Really??? Wow, J!!!!

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-21:31

Definitely a winner and keeper😎

 By: hora12reborn : December 1st, 2023-21:10

It is! Really.

 By: amanico : December 1st, 2023-21:31

Merci, Gérard.

 By: amanico : December 2nd, 2023-08:43

Truly love your PP 5070 Chronograph !

 By: hs111 : December 2nd, 2023-11:38
Greetings from my 5172 G, an arrival earlier this year.. Really like the backside view. My PP 5172G – this year‘s spring arrival.. Best, hs 😊😊 ...  

As always, your photos of your 5070G make me want to wear mine...

 By: BuffaloWatch : December 2nd, 2023-13:31
So debate closed for the day, but with the lousy Buffalo weather I'll stick to long sleeves!


 By: amanico : December 2nd, 2023-14:49

That’s a wonderful timepiece dear Nicolas!! And it looks…

 By: Subexplorer : December 2nd, 2023-16:05
… gorgeous against your tanned wrist/arm in this nice shot. Nice to be able to wear it openly in Paris. Something unthinkable to do here in my land I regret to say. I had the pleasure to view it and try yours in the metal during one of our meetings and I ... 

Con mucho gusto, amigo.

 By: amanico : December 4th, 2023-23:00


 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2023-12:28

Thanks for your kind words.

 By: amanico : December 8th, 2023-06:26