Everyone is doing the M4

Jan 03, 2025,15:16 PM

Where the hell is my egg nog bread??

My early morning routine, since last January, is to spend time reading the Bible.  I have done so every day, taking my time.  Some days I re-read parts or go through notes and verses.  Very much enjoying this journey, which I should have completed many years ago.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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I like to wear the same watch each time I do do a kind of ritual or meditation

By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : January 4th, 2025-03:33
Then, the watch becomes part it and that is special, in my experience. Then, after, a little anchor for your ritual is there everytime you glance down in the day. Of course, another watch can come for the rest of the day, or just keep the ritual watch as ... 

Makes sense

By: MichaelC : January 4th, 2025-23:21
The problem for me would be having the same watch every morning!