PAM 1346 Piece Unique, in platinum.

Mar 26, 2024,17:50 PM

We want the same, with a steel case, and in a non limited edition! As for the movement, it will be hard to get the same, but they must have a 8 days to put in... 



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I wonder how many....

By: sergio : March 27th, 2024-13:35
people would really buy it, apart from the die hard Panieristi. I don't think they would mass produce it. Have you noticed the 50 w.r.? It would be crucified by the...multitudes, no?


By: sergio : March 31st, 2024-04:19
of the times a Panerai was a Panerai and was a Panerai. Bought mainly by people that didn't look inside, and did not compare it to another brand, when it came to performances. Today they turn a piece inside out and, if there's only a minute screw out of p... 

Wow! Very nice historic inspired one!

By: renerod : March 29th, 2024-01:55
As for your suggestion about a non limited version, it would be killer!!! Thanks for sharing. René