Here is a shot of my newly acquired PAM 424, don't you get too excited now.

Jun 05, 2024,23:19 PM

I know, I know I can hear some of you already, saying it so loud: but this is not true to the Radiomir 1936 (Rolex), it doesn't have the blue hands, worst it has a sapphire glass, and, oh gosh that OP logo.. Now, I have to confess the very worst part: I had the opportunity to buy a PAM 249 for just a bit more $$, yes, the PAM249 was at a bargain, as i only paid just above 4k for this one... And, I went for that "anachronism" instead, Sacrilege!! I thought really hard about it, as of course the PAM249 is the one to own for sure, but for my intended purpose of wearing it, the Pam424 is spot on, love the combination of dial/golden hands and beautiful velvety strap, it all works so well, and scream "my style", that I had to go with the heart over the reason... Here are a few pics, now... Don't be too harsh, ok.

More posts: PAM249PAM424RadiomirRadiomir 1936 SERadiomir California 3 Days

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At the end they are all hommage, none are the real deal...

 By: Cocolex : June 5th, 2024-23:33
So, do you want a die hard "wannabe-replica", like the Pam249, Pam448 looking close but still miles away from the real deal... or something like the Pam424 that takes reference from the Radiomir 1936, without taking it too seriously, all aspect considered... 

Thank you, I'll take this as a compliment, coming from someone who truly loves Panerai's

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-00:16
I am enjoying this piece, and surprised myself going for this particular model... 🤩 amazingly so.

It’s really nice. No explanation necessary.

 By: Champthekid : June 6th, 2024-00:14
Congratulations on getting it!

Thank you for your kind words!

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-00:22
I am happy with my pick it's really something I had missing and was trying with for a long time.

Very nice choice!

 By: gary_g : June 6th, 2024-01:05

Thank you Gary!

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-02:31

Love it, congratulations!

 By: kesharoo : June 6th, 2024-01:28
Especially no date!

Not well-versed in Panerai...

 By: mdg : June 6th, 2024-03:35
...but I do like the dial, case shape, and lugs. Very nice...

Thank you

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-04:50

Yes, I never thought I would ever buy that...

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-05:29
But the Cali really stand out, it's something special, something different from any other pieces I own.

That's right, the date variant came first in 2012, and 2 years later the no date was introduced.

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-06:37
I had the opportunity to choose, but I didn't even try the date on. I think the dial simetry os so perfect without the date, amd my smart phone gives me the date anyway...

Thanks! I am really enjoying it.

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-13:12

Excellent !

 By: Ajas : June 6th, 2024-13:13

I totally agree with you 👍🏻

 By: netwatches : June 6th, 2024-07:59
Enter text ...  

Great picture of this reference

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 6th, 2024-11:10

Great shot

 By: Arronax : June 6th, 2024-09:55
Looks like you got a great bargain and 47mm with gold hands is a winner in my book, congrats! I have a soft spot for the 425, only thing other than funds (obviously!) preventing me from getting one is that one of my close friends already has one!

Thank you for your input, I am 100% in agreement

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-12:51
The golden hand really works for me, and the assolutamente strap narrower at the buckle makes the watch just a tad more refined.

Thank you yes, I do like the movement too..

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-12:54
In particular the fact that you can move the hour hands only, very good when you change time zone... I flew 10 times this year already, Europe/Asia, so this little complication is great

I am curious, since there is no second hand, how do you manage to regulate it?

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-13:30
This is the first watch I own, without a second hand, so forgive my ignorance.

Once I set the time I look where the tip of the minutes hand fall on the market (5, 10, 20, 25, 35, 40, 50 or 55)

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 6th, 2024-13:58
Then with the atomic clock I check when the second come to zero where the minutes hands are in one of these marker. Its actually easier then it sound. I also validate with a time grapher

Let me know how it goes!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 6th, 2024-17:25

Whatever floats your boat....

 By: sergio : June 6th, 2024-12:29
I wonder, though, why you didn't go for the whole 9 yards and got yourself this one...Enjoy your new PAM too much ...  

A bit of sarcasm is also welcome...Well, that one was available too, actually!

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-13:02
Sorry, no, it didn't rock my boat... It seems Panerai also realized a couple of year after it's launch that the date wasn't their best idea. But I get it, that for Panerai purists, this version may not be the most true to the 3646, but this is the version... 

I don't use sarcasm...

 By: sergio : June 6th, 2024-16:24
...well not with people I don't know. The date is very useful for many people and since you chose to be...out of the chorus...the date could have been a welcome feature. That's all.

Hi Sergio, I am a jewelry designer by trade, and aesthetic is very important to me.

 By: Cocolex : June 6th, 2024-22:49
As for the 424, the version without date keep the beautiful simetry of that dial, and the golden hands on that brownish-black dial, with the assolutamente strap that narrows to the buckle is also a preference I have, it looks more sophisticated. I would h...  

You did very well!

 By: MTR : June 8th, 2024-23:07
1. It‘s beautiful. 2. It‘s versatile. 3.. It fills your needs! 4. You love this watch. 5. It‘s on your wrist and not 6. So: YOU are the boss! ☺️ Many congrats Thomas

Ahaha! You are so right Thomas! And to me, this is the best version of the Cali dial.

 By: Cocolex : June 9th, 2024-03:44
Sometimes, after few days, buyer remorse can set in, but in my case, I feel even strongly that I made the perfect decision. Coming to think of it, I even think that the OP logo on the dial at 6, is a nice touch, I wasn't 100% sold on it at the beginning, ... 

I like that you exactly know what you want!

 By: MTR : June 9th, 2024-13:04
And I think you made an excellent decision. So there will be for sure no buyer’s remorse. 👍

Again, you are right! I have to say, that in my life I always love things for good reason, and seldom because it's "in trend" only..So many are basing there decisions more on 'influencers" of all sorts....

 By: Cocolex : June 9th, 2024-21:58
It does help to keep a constant, and I never fall out of love with things I initially decide to invite in my life, that goes with watches too. On this subject, I have been fortunate enough to be able to keep what I buy, and have rarely let go of my pieces...