will keep u posted
Jun 07, 2024,16:38 PM
the AD is also trying to contact Moser and see how they like us to proceed.
view entire thread
So seems not isolated
By: Matty : June 7th, 2024-13:42
If you didn’t post on other forums, it seems at least one other person has had an identical issue with the fume having more grey being splotchy too. I think that person got the AD to accept the return for full refund or credit.
To be clear
By: taipeigirl89 : June 7th, 2024-13:43
even though I feel that this should be covered under warranty, to save the hassle, I emailed H Moser to inquire about the cost of replacing the dial and the process. I am willing to pay for the fix myself but I guess they are too busy to respond.
I beg your pardon
By: taipeigirl89 : June 7th, 2024-22:17
i spent five figures on an entry level tool watch. I wasn't even going to argue over warranty. Both the AD and I are merely trying to have Moser tell us what the cost and process is in replacing the dial. They won't even humor us on that. Yes, I am not ha...
Seems weird dial changed
By: Matty : June 8th, 2024-00:43
I saw one from an AD that had a similar splotchy grey in it. I didn’t notice it at the time until I saw another post from someone in another forum. Then I looked back and could see it for sure. Plus yours from 3 weeks ago. That makes 3 like that. Are you ...