Those are all amazing pieces

Aug 01, 2024,14:52 PM

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Grönefeld appointment / disappointment

By: The Berlin Flatline : August 1st, 2024-10:29
Such a bummer. I have been thinking about (read: obsessing over) the Grönefeld Remontoire for a year, and had finally decided to buy one. God knows they’re not a quick decision, so I wanted to buy from a trusted source. The 1916 crew in New York are real ...  

How about a 42, 43, or a 44?

By: Tim_M : August 1st, 2024-10:48
Thanks for visiting my company to see this watch. If you're interested in something larger, we periodically have the earlier pre-"1941" Gronefeld and recent DeltaWorks cases that are considerably larger than the watch you saw. Alternatively, a De Bethune ... 

Definitely noticed the De Berthunes....

By: The Berlin Flatline : August 1st, 2024-11:22
... will have to do some serious googling for a few weeks. I like to spend long flights with wifi reading up things like this. Fortunately I have a long existing wish list across all kinds of brands, and remain in touch with your team. See you there soon

Too bad! But...

By: m2 : August 1st, 2024-14:12
I think there are much more interesting watches in the price range, and it's better to have a big wrist than a small wrist because most of the crazy cool independent stuff is quite large. The Romain Gauthier Logical one springs to mind. 43mm. MB&F perpetu... 

They'll do custom work too

By: m2 : August 1st, 2024-15:13
Have mine coming in later this month hopefully. I'll post a review when I get it. Have spent a lot of time with the Principia too.

Argh, hate it when that happens! I prefer larger watches and have experienced the same when I was super excited to try a watch on only to realize that irl it looked tiny on my wrist.

By: Fastwong : August 1st, 2024-15:08
Most disappointing for me was the Voutilainen Observatoir, so beautiful but when I finally got to hold one it was so tiny... and I know that's a traditional size so it's not the watch, it just made me feel like I needed to go on a diet! 😭 On the plus side...  

Only issue with the Ferdinand...

By: m2 : August 1st, 2024-15:15
They will lose a ton on secondary and there's no way to buy one used, since they never seem to pop up. So the other options will have an exponentially lower cost of ownership if you're buying used like OP is? IE if I buy a Logical1 for ~$120k and get bore... 

Yeah same.

By: m2 : August 1st, 2024-16:45
It's nice they are owned by Chopard. All the benefits of being independent without any of the drawbacks IMO.

Yeah, I was confused by that too. Gronefeld Remontoire is over $100k so I figured we're talking under $150k?

By: Fastwong : August 1st, 2024-17:26
Remontoire price at double MSRP is a little crazy imo, I'd rather spend $100k on a MSRP $200k watch than $100k on a $50k watch...


By: The Berlin Flatline : August 1st, 2024-18:24
I believe in Grönefeld, I think they're going to continue to put out cool watches. But I don't buy watches as investments. But by the same token, I am happy to spend that amount of money on three or four very cool watches...


By: The Berlin Flatline : August 1st, 2024-18:22
But happy to spend that on several less expensive cool watches... Or not at all.

We have a lot of NFL lineman on this forum...

By: mdg : August 1st, 2024-15:18
...I consider it a dress watch and not sporty, so it should be elegant. But you have to like it, so onward...

It is a disappointing moment, indeed.

By: Moka-Tiger (Ron) : August 1st, 2024-15:41
I am sorry it didn't work out, but in my eyes, you made the right decision to walk away. I fell in love with a few 36mm Rolex watches because they were beautiful and bought them. Yes, beautiful to look at but not beuatiful looking on my big wrist. I sold ... 


By: The Berlin Flatline : August 2nd, 2024-09:59
Yes... and with a fusée-and-chain constant force mechanism.... Hello!! Thanks for pointing me in that direction....

To bad you don’t like the watch on your wrist

By: Watchonthewrists : August 2nd, 2024-07:26
For me its always been one of my favorites and when i had it on the wrist for the first time i knew i had to add one at some point. There are many options (great watches) to replace this amazing watch but for me its still one of my favorite . Like some al... 

What a great entertaining and

By: Gwai : August 3rd, 2024-05:40
instructive thread - thanks to the OP and all who've made suggestions! Cheers Marc