Thanks for the education Andrew...

Dec 24, 2010,23:04 PM

Great post and just another example of the inherent value of this forum.

Seasons greetings to all!

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Comments: view entire thread 

A Solitary Watchmaker: Finishing the parts for Calibre ‘R’.

By: 219 : December 23rd, 2010-12:47
That Bernhard Zwinz is a driven individual is perhaps understating the matter. His wish to create the type of watch that the Vallée de Joux used to manufacture, without relying on pre-existing calibre’s or parts, is unusual as a starting point. Couple thi...  


By: aldossari_faisal : December 23rd, 2010-14:18
Thats the least to be said about the work, as a process and as a result , im looking forward on the upcoming reports and final caliber / watch . Thanks for the precious report Andrew . Faisal

I gotta pickup my jaw from the floor...

By: ocwatching : December 23rd, 2010-15:13
WOW...simply amazing work... thanks for the excellent finish lesson 219! and still..WOW...

Not only the finished product but the ...

By: AndrewD : December 23rd, 2010-15:33
Wonderful post. It is not only the finished product after all that painstaking work, but the philosophy and acknowledgement of historical watchmaking involved in the processes that is so special. Standing on the shoulders of giants such as Dufour. Who wou... 


By: playtime : December 23rd, 2010-21:23
thank you for sharing. Your report illuminated the notion of finish and its role in horology....... J

Can't wait to see...

By: dxboon : December 23rd, 2010-22:17
...the completed movement. That beautiful glow that Zwinz has achieved on the edges of the metal is lovely. Great write-up, Andrew. I'm getting excited! Cheers, Daos

The outer limits of finishing

By: amerix : December 24th, 2010-06:10
Can these possibly be surpassed? It is almost painful to think about the number of parts that will be going into the Calibre 'R' and multiplying them by one and a half days of intense labor - just on the finishing. Thanks very much indeed for the superlat... 

Wow, thats an awful lot of work...

By: grumio : December 27th, 2010-15:12
for just one small part. Is this a cap jewel holder for a breguet parachute type shock setting ? Can't wait to see the completed movement if it is all finished to this standard.

Yes, this is the

By: 219 : January 11th, 2011-08:28
Breguet shock setting for the escapement (top part). And yes, an awful lot of work; very time consuming and very intense. Thanks Andrew H