I remember your photos of your Extreme Lab 2. Terrible.

Jul 09, 2024,07:59 AM

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H Moser Pioneer Center Seconds Update #2

By: taipeigirl89 : July 8th, 2024-22:53
This is an update to post originally dated June 7 and 12. The watch sits at the PA service center since June 19. Last message is "parts stuck at customs..." on June 26. Nothing since. I was promised watch will be fixed and back to me by first week of July... 

Sorry to hear.

By: InHavenPro : July 8th, 2024-22:56
I sure hope they will remedy the situation somewhat, but I likewise wouldn't harbor illusions that all corporate service centers do excellent work! I just didn't get the implication regarding Mille, did you have a positive experience with them?? Cheers, F... 


By: taipeigirl89 : July 8th, 2024-23:08
I was so upset that my post wasn't clear. The experience with RM is fantastic so far. I hope the watch live up to the boutique experience.

You are certainly welcome....

By: InHavenPro : July 8th, 2024-23:54
to post as many images as you like of your 67-01, it's easily my favorite Mille in his current lineup. Cheers, Filip

u could be right

By: taipeigirl89 : July 8th, 2024-23:13
but I am not in the mood to compare who Is worse. perhaps lesson two should say "stick with Swatch or Casio".

This is more logical. Swatch or Casio will be less likely to disappoint you.

By: patrick_y : July 8th, 2024-23:30
Quoting you: "Two lessons learned. 1. Never buy an entry level watch again from any brand. 2. After receiving my order of RM 67-01. I am going to stay away from independents." I don't think entry level or mid level or high level that the experience is alw... 

Agreed, a 67-01 is entry level for RM.

By: patrick_y : July 9th, 2024-21:00
I'm not contesting that the 67-01 is entry level. I'm saying that Taipeigirl89's claim where s/he gets bad service because s/he is buying entry-level pieces is unsubstantiated. S/he does not have enough evidence to say that if s/he bought a more expensive... 

Hah, I was just teasing OP at the distinction and to agree on the false logic since the RM 67-01 could be considered "entry level" as well

By: Fastwong : July 10th, 2024-17:15
You don't have to tell me small brand / big brand or "entry level" vs whatever the opposite of that is doesn't really determine level of service, service sucks all the way around The assumption that spending more means better or different service is a fun... 

I think that's what the Original Poster (OP) needs to realize...

By: patrick_y : July 10th, 2024-19:36
That service isn't great all around regardless of the brand and watch you have - it's all mediocre. I'd also go as far as to say that the assumptions and over-generalization really doesn't help. But that'd be unsolicited advice. Sorry for the confusion! I... 

What happened with the RM 67-01?

By: ArmisT : July 8th, 2024-22:59
And is the Moser issue because of the watch model being entry level? Why would a complicated watch make a difference?

with all the positive experiences most have

By: taipeigirl89 : July 8th, 2024-23:13
with H Moser, I begin to think my awful experience could be due to the inexpensive watch I had purchased that they couldn't be too bother about?

No basis to your thinking.

By: patrick_y : July 8th, 2024-23:31
You have not indicated any evidence to support your thinking that Moser would treat you any differently if it were a more expensive watch.

No, that’s why we say “misery loves company”

By: cazalea : July 9th, 2024-00:13
I’m waiting on a package from the UK right now, it was handed to FedEx Thursday and it still hasn’t gotten onto a plane yet. Custom made pieces for wedding presents; the couple’s wedding is in 2 weeks… Any brand can have annoyances. My guess is most of us... 

Sorry to hear

By: Aquaracer1 : July 9th, 2024-00:10
Keeping my fingers crossed for you that this situation is remedied quickly 🤞🏻

I hope the issue with your Moser is resolved, though I would try to be patient.

By: jleno : July 9th, 2024-02:38
As others have mentioned, I don't know if I would agree with your takeaways. New watches from both big and small brands can have problems, entry level or not. My Grossmann Tefnut had a visible piece of dust in the movement when I first received it. Althou... 

I feel your pain, I have a JLC Extreme Lab 2, not an independent or entry level watch. Service has been horrible.

By: Clementkc : July 9th, 2024-07:51
For the year of 2024 I’ve had it in my possession for less than 14 days. Sent it into service on the 3rd of Jan. got it back end of May. Wore it for 10 days, a piece on the case holding the straps in fell out. It’s back at JLC still and no indication of w... 

ouch, terrible indeed

By: taipeigirl89 : July 9th, 2024-08:37
I am convinced. Swatch or Casio going forward. no more servicing, repairs, or waiting for parts.

I think you're looking at this wrong, you need to buy more indy watches so you have plenty of options even when one or two are out for service 😂

By: Fastwong : July 9th, 2024-15:19
Most service sucks, at least they communicated with you on the delay. That's above and beyond compared to most who don't communicate at all, you wait and wait and the watch is done when it's done. Not sure the service experience with RM will be much diffe... 

u hit on the pont that frustrates me most

By: taipeigirl89 : July 9th, 2024-17:40
no one voluntarily communicated anything. I have to initiate all inquiries, it is after pressed they then come up with excuses. Where I come from, u underpromose and overdeliver, and all the while keep your client in the loop with status update.

Heh heh…

By: myles721 : July 10th, 2024-03:11
That’s the joke I make to my wife…If we get two or three boats and six jet skis we are definitely covered…😏

It's the genius of the swiss watch industry, by colluding to make service miserable and shockingly long they force you to buy more watches! My eyes wander when a watch is gone for month and months...

By: Fastwong : July 10th, 2024-17:25
Plus, it's not like cars where people actually need them to go somewhere. Boats, watches, leisure pursuits so why rush the service? Don't stress, just by more and enjoy. Maybe we need to get into boat sales and service, sounds chill... 😂

I throughly enjoyed your sense of humor 😅

By: taipeigirl89 : July 12th, 2024-03:53
but seriously, got a call from Moser's NA Head this morning and had a cordial conversation (more update later). I guess officers from Moser do read the posts here.

My experience

By: Todd B. : July 10th, 2024-20:18
Fortunately, I haven't had an issue with my large brand Swiss watches yet but I have heard stories about the service centers similar to the ones mentioned here. I have had service done on my Devon tread watch which is based in California. Their service is...