He was a forerunner

Jan 07, 2025,22:27 PM

Outsourcing movements and selling them as his own production.

Still trying to figure out how the eternal movement works.
Once again, thank you for your article.

Can I suggest you to write us your point of view of the detent escapement on a dedicated discussion?

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Comments: view entire thread 

Was the first American AHCI Candidate a Fraud?

By: AndCavanaugh : January 7th, 2025-19:52
Steven Phillips (Istvan Fulop Hanzely) of Budapest Watch Company was a Hungarian born American master watchmaker and the first American candidate (not member) for AHCI membership 1 . Phillips claimed to design and build his watches from scratch, except fo...  

He was a forerunner

By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : January 7th, 2025-22:27
Outsourcing movements and selling them as his own production. Still trying to figure out how the eternal movement works. Once again, thank you for your article. Can I suggest you to write us your point of view of the detent escapement on a dedicated discu... 

Thanks for reading, I don't think he would have gotten away with it today.

By: AndCavanaugh : January 8th, 2025-04:40
Basically, he replaced the rotor with a roast thermometer. The bi-metallic spring would need to be enormous to power a wristwatch from just ambient temperature changes. Important to note its not a heat powered watch, like a Seiko Thermic, those use the Se...  

Ok, I got it

By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : January 8th, 2025-07:17
The eternal movement is something that could be tried by Ressence, HYT or any other independent, using the Atmos' principle. There are plenty of liquids/solutions with low boiling point, the main challenge (and many more) is to seal the fluid circuit, but... 

This is sad to see. Clearly there was fraud at play.

By: Tim Jackson : January 13th, 2025-05:21
I don’t know about his EWS and if it ever actually worked as claimed, but from the rip off skeletonized watch pretending to be something special at a ridiculous price back then, I can only deduce that this guy was a conman! IMO the AHCI should have distan...