Beautiful picture!

Oct 29, 2021,16:00 PM

Sharp work by the artisans in Karis workshop!

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 By: mj23 : October 29th, 2021-13:46
Applied numeral sitting on a Kari guilloche dial ...  

Thanks FabR!

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:04

Kari guilloche is top

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:04

Gorgeous detail

 By: paneristinumerouno : October 29th, 2021-15:23

Many thanks

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:05

Amazing detail .

 By: Watchonthewrists : October 29th, 2021-15:41


 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:05

Beautiful picture!

 By: Watchcph : October 29th, 2021-16:00
Sharp work by the artisans in Karis workshop!

Very sharp indeed!

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:05

Thank you for this

 By: toxly347 : October 29th, 2021-16:13
Wish you a great weekend

Posts Like This

 By: enjoythemusic : October 29th, 2021-16:40
Should be banned. My weak heart skipped a beat Soooo beautiful.........

Glad you like it!

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:06

Spectacular. As expected.

 By: amanico : October 29th, 2021-17:11

Thanks as always

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:06

A big shame we can"t see such details with the naked eyes πŸ˜ƒ

 By: COUNT DE MONET : October 29th, 2021-18:03
Oustanding detail and phography!

Wow, impressive macro!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : October 29th, 2021-22:01

Thanks a ton

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:07

Much appreciated

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-03:07

Wow 😍😍😍

 By: Watcholic_id : October 30th, 2021-07:08
Another fantastic shot of a fantastic watch! Thanks for sharing the pic πŸ™πŸΎπŸ»

Another great shot!

 By: lm6 : October 30th, 2021-09:55

Thanks lm6!!

 By: mj23 : October 30th, 2021-20:09


 By: mj23 : November 2nd, 2021-21:20