Wild night is calling.

Nov 19, 2023,04:33 AM

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This is what happens (to me anyway) when you research VANTABLACK.

By: TheMadDruid : November 18th, 2023-23:23
You discover ULTRABLACK, a paint created in Japan that is 99.4% light absorbing. VANTABLACK from Switzerland is 99.9% light absorbent. Pennies on the dollar. This watch is a Venezianico, from Italy. It is deeply black. And 1/55th the cost of the Moser I h...  

The Moser is vantablack too, correct?

By: ArmisT : November 18th, 2023-23:44
This one you posted is indeed very nice as well, although not the same case and movement quality as a Moser. Will this purchase change your mind about the Moser that is coming?

I wonder how one removes the hands during service...

By: xto : November 19th, 2023-16:30
...can't imagine that the corner jeweler has (British) Vantablack or Ultrablack lying around for touch-ups!