The Da Vinci of watchmakers: Jean Antoine Lepine, most import watch ever produced.
May 12, 2023,22:10 PM
Yes this is a bold statement and this can be argued from an academic standpoint as correct.
This is the watch that made him famous. He was already the Watch Maker to the King of France.
But with watches like the below model, he set forth a revolutionary design. In a matter of less than
10 years, Paris became the center of this new type of watch design that Lepine invented.
has read enough about the development of watches understands that prior to Lepine,
watches were Verge and Fusee. These "watches" were basically small scale clocks
that were put into small pocketable cases. These watches were not very accurate.
They were more of a status symbol to those that could afford to commission a verge
fusee watch.
J A Lepine is the inventor of not only the Lepine caliber. Taking notes from Wikipedia, you can see that he invented
many innovations that are actually incorrectly attributed to Abraham Breguet. Lepine was the teacher for Abraham
Breguet who learned his trade in a partnership with Lepine.

The total width of the movement is less than the width of two coins. It will take more than 100 years for all other companies to be able to create their own in house movements with that level of thinness and precision.
For those of you technical people, this watch also has more incredible technical innovations. This is the first ever shock protection device: the "Parachute Shock Protection". And finally, this watch is perhaps the first watch with thermal compensation. If you consider on a few years prior, the world was using Verge Fusee watches with very crudely hand carved parts to literally over night, we have precision manufactured mass produced parts with thermal compensation that is scientific instrument grade. The watch is absolutely incredible. This watch has more parts than the Longines 20H and is only a few millimeters thick.
If you do more research into Jean Antoine Lepine, you will realize he is member of the Watch Makers Hall of Fame.
One of the fathers of the very first Adding Machines like Pascal.
Created laboratory instruments.
Is in many major museums around the world including the Louvre