Sad for homeowner but lucky they are not harmed
Jul 10, 2024,13:35 PM
Today I find it is easy for upper class to become targets. Most have nanny, cleaners, landscapers, lawn service, chef/food servers (at least on occasion/party), etc. This adds so many people who can see the homeowner has a gold nautilus, or whatever they are wearing. This doesn't even account for the constant renovations people do. Leaving the whole of your house exposed for investigation. I'm not even accounting for being followed from a restaurant, AD, a delivery person seeing PP boxes come and go. Coupled to a state that sides with the intruders on home invasion and defense. Just a sad scene. Hopefully not a WPS'er. Stay safe everyone!
This message has been edited by India Whiskey Charlie on 2024-07-10 14:03:53