Look at what's now on their website

Mar 17, 2012,19:16 PM

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Qlocktwo - Look Mom, No Hands!

By: DonCorson : February 20th, 2012-06:17
A Typographic Clock, the Qlocktwo is unique on the market today. This is a clock to be read, real whole words if not a sentence. A quick glance will not do the trick. Look Mom, no hands! Winner of many design awards world wide a Qlocktwo is now gracing a ...  

Nice !

By: foversta : February 20th, 2012-11:55
Makes me think about an impressive artwork I saw at the Science Museum! The name of this artwork was "Social Media Listening Post": Credit: Broadstuff Fx...  

Very cool!!

By: andrewluff : February 20th, 2012-11:57
Shame they do not do it in orange otherwise I would order one tonight!! Cheers Andrew

And for $0.99...

By: pplater : February 20th, 2012-14:40
...you can have the clock on your iPad in any colour or language you like (the link to the app is on their website). Very cool - thanks Don. Cheers, pplater.

Wow that is NICE!!!!

By: sidneyc : February 20th, 2012-16:16
Thanks for letting us know about this! Massive though! It'll be hard to find a wall space to fit this in my tiny home!

Available now in...

By: DonCorson : February 21st, 2012-10:50
Available now in German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Danish, Swedish, Arabic, Swiss German and Spanish. Don