I did not know strap has more than 1 function.

Jul 24, 2021,11:57 AM

Other than primary acting as watch strap. It can be use as art/window display!

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+1, lovely! ;-)

 By: FabR : July 24th, 2021-12:57

haha - very nice!

 By: ChristianDK : July 24th, 2021-12:36

Creative !😍

 By: Centurionone : July 24th, 2021-12:42

This is very cool!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : July 24th, 2021-13:05


 By: India Whiskey Charlie : July 24th, 2021-13:15

Very fun creativity!

 By: orahu : July 24th, 2021-14:42

I believe is for the Olympic.

 By: iceheller 1945 ✌️ : July 25th, 2021-01:02

I think they've installed some of these backwards.

 By: patrick_y : July 24th, 2021-22:05
Generally they're supposed to read left to right but the golf one is supposed to read right to left. Very cool displays though! I applaud the visual merchandising team at Omega for their innovative display!