Congratulation Nico, amazing job!! [nt]

Jul 03, 2020,06:24 AM

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Has anyone noticed Nicolas passed the 230K milestone? . . .

 By: Dr No : July 1st, 2020-12:49
. . . well, I just did. [photo credit: Damjan] ...  

You are quite welcome! (nt)

 By: Ronald Held : July 2nd, 2020-11:31

That guy

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : July 1st, 2020-12:54
pass a milestone every week. 🤣🤣🤣 Congrats my friend.

Congratulations Nicolas. Amazing achievement.

 By: kev09 : July 1st, 2020-13:06
I should slow down a bit now. Remember, no one likes a show off. 😏 Regards Kev.

Come on! Go! [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-07:14

Congrats Lord Nico [nt]

 By: Horology75 : July 1st, 2020-13:07

Thank you, O. [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-07:14

wow congratulations ! [nt]

 By: christianch : July 1st, 2020-13:32

Merci Christian. [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-07:15

No - Dr. No.

 By: K-Lo : July 1st, 2020-13:45
But I have now, thank you for letting me know.

You are a rockstar,

 By: K-Lo : July 2nd, 2020-07:17
Dear Counselor, happy to know you. Ted

How many would they be if Nicolas would do this fulltime?

 By: COUNT DE MONET : July 1st, 2020-13:46
230 k is already a respectful full time job number, but to do this in ones spare time? Thank you so much, my friend!

AKA Mr. Ubiquitous...

 By: nacelle : July 1st, 2020-13:48
Wow Wow and Wow....


 By: Mikesr  : July 1st, 2020-14:03
Lol. Too much time, get it, on his hands.

He he he... ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-07:18

Who's this Nicolas guy you speak of?

 By: vitalsigns : July 1st, 2020-14:06
Another big milestone. A great contributor of content and enthusiasm. Cheers, John


 By: Weems@8 : July 1st, 2020-14:09
I saw this. Who is the runner up? 27992 is also huge, Dr No.

True that! [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-07:18

Jackie was . . .

 By: Dr No : July 1st, 2020-14:34
. . . The Greatest . . . . . . in my book. When men had character, he had it in spades . . .

Good one, Miki. [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-07:19

Congratulations ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : July 1st, 2020-14:36
I’ll raise a glass to your achievement 🥂

very true [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : July 2nd, 2020-08:18

Yes! [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-08:39

Almost definitely

 By: sham1 : July 1st, 2020-17:40
No one will ever reach that number or even come close. It is like running the 100m in under nine seconds! Well done Nico and don't stop!

Congratulations my frined [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : July 1st, 2020-17:52


 By: jporos : July 1st, 2020-19:10
Congrats Nicolas!

Thanks, John. [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-07:22

😱 [nt]

 By: dedestexhes : July 1st, 2020-22:14

That's incredible

 By: Boris : July 1st, 2020-22:44


 By: Cookies : July 2nd, 2020-01:27
Always writing so well and tempting us with wonderful historical pieces!

Wow that’s incredible.

 By: Watchonthewrists : July 2nd, 2020-01:35
Congrats dear Nico . Always enjoy reading your posts

Many congratulations Nicolas and thank you for your passion

 By: Seeks : July 2nd, 2020-02:12
I learnt a lot from your over the the decade(s) ! Best of health ! Ps thank you Art for noticing the 230k!

If Nicolas keeps his pace up, his post count will exceed . . .

 By: Dr No : July 2nd, 2020-08:03
. . . the mileage on my Civic in '22.

As of today, there's 309K on my '08 Honda. You're not going . . .

 By: Dr No : July 2nd, 2020-13:50
. . . to surpass it this year, and probably not next, but '22 is a whole 'nother story. ;-)

Good point !

 By: Seeks : July 2nd, 2020-09:56

Just amazing dedication for our benefits

 By: chippyfly : July 2nd, 2020-05:16
When does Nico sleep?! Congratulations!

Nothing short of amazing....

 By: Rhyzen : July 2nd, 2020-06:24
Thank you for the incredible contribution, Nico!

The first round at Maggie's . . .

 By: Dr No : July 2nd, 2020-14:38
. . . is on my tab. ...  

Deal! [nt]

 By: amanico : July 2nd, 2020-15:28

Well, Nicolas...

 By: TheMadDruid : July 2nd, 2020-19:15
I didn't think it could be done, but you are only 1000 posts behind the total views of the "Anniversary" post. Amazing! Thanks fo everything you do here. ami!

Congratulations and grand appreciation!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : July 2nd, 2020-20:33
You make a community, there is no higher compliment.

Congrats Nico!

 By: singingbee : July 2nd, 2020-23:01
I attended the JLC 2020 Novelties zoom session yesterday which you and Stefan were the panelists. Great to finally put a face to the friendly guy I been talking to in the forums! 😊

Thank you so much dear Art for calling our attention to this new (and awesome) milestone of our friend Nicolas!! Big Congrats dear Nicolas...

 By: Subexplorer : July 3rd, 2020-14:40
... on this new post number record you achieved. Thank you so much for generously sharing your knowledge, your passion and your good humor together with your friendship with us. After so many years of following you and having the pleasure of meeting in pe... 

The funny thing is, I first noticed when Nico's post count was ~ 229,950 . . .

 By: Dr No : July 3rd, 2020-15:54
. . . and said to myself, "Another day or two he'll crack 230K." Sure enough, by the time I woke up, he was already at 230,040.

:))) [nt]

 By: amanico : July 4th, 2020-02:03

Jajaja... ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : July 4th, 2020-08:52

;) :))) [nt]

 By: Subexplorer : July 4th, 2020-12:17

Thanks to you my dear Nicolas!! You are very kind...

 By: Subexplorer : July 4th, 2020-08:02
... and appreciate your warm words. Same here My friend ! Missing visiting you and your superb city so much! Wish will be able to do it next year if our World allows!🙏🙏🙏 Un fuerte abrazo mi amigo con gran afecto!! Abel

Ojala! [nt]

 By: amanico : July 4th, 2020-08:02

Asi sea!! [nt]

 By: Subexplorer : July 4th, 2020-08:05

Thanks Nicolas for

 By: Jari from Finland : July 3rd, 2020-22:36
your contribution to the forums!

Merci, Julian. [nt]

 By: amanico : July 5th, 2020-02:03

The problem is.....

 By: NickO : July 4th, 2020-11:39
By the time we all get around to congratulating Nico on his 230K posts, he will already be at 240K. I think we just need a permanent Nico Appreciation thread pinned at the top of the forum 😀

+1. Or, we could have a Nico post counter at the top of the page . . .

 By: Dr No : July 4th, 2020-12:14
. . . kinda like the national debt clock. 🧮

ROFL. Good one, Don Turo. [nt]

 By: amanico : July 5th, 2020-13:12
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