W01/25 Let’s start another 52 weeks trip!

Dec 30, 2024,17:34 PM

All the best for the last few days of this year, dear GO aficionados!

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That truly is

By: Thomas_3 : December 30th, 2024-18:18
a gorgeous watch. Wear it in good health for the upcoming year, and beyond.

Ah ha !

By: Gregineugene : December 30th, 2024-23:26
So this is the first week of the new year. If it had turned out that the 31st was a Friday then that indicator would be showing...52...right?

Quite a complicated task:

By: massi. : January 1st, 2025-01:19
for sure, the weeks in a year are 52 or 53, there are 53 weeks in non-leap years in which January 1 is a Thursday and in leap years in which January 1 is a Wednesday. Everything starts at the beginning of the year 🤯

Gorgeous photo of the Senator Calendar Week!

By: quattro : December 30th, 2024-21:28
The week complication is rare, but I find this way of measuring the progression of the year very nice. When the week is indicated by a hand pointing the periphery of the dial (like in Patek's 5212A or in AP's Code 11.59 pc) it's a little less abstract tha...  

Yes, very well said!

By: quattro : December 31st, 2024-06:58
It gives me the idea and desire to make a thread on this complication. I wish you a happy New Year’s Eve. Best, Emmanuel

This is not a watch but a beautiful automat. 👍

By: COUNT DE MONET : December 31st, 2024-09:07
To me it is like a rminute repeater, a sonnerie watch or GP's slot machine version of the 1945. I mean feeling wise, if you know how clever and complicated this watch is.

Same to you and all other in here😎

By: Tony.A. : December 31st, 2024-12:55
I will be wearing my Glashütte Original Navigator PPC to day. Its always nice to see when the watch starting to change everything. Cheers🍺🍺 ...