Seems like a good day to wear the GP.

Nov 10, 2023,18:27 PM

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 By: hora12reborn : November 10th, 2023-20:53

Beautiful GP!

 By: J K : November 10th, 2023-19:37


 By: aWtchslvr : November 10th, 2023-19:40

Never tire to see this one

 By: TeutonicCarFan : November 10th, 2023-20:00

The GP is probably thinking...

 By: patrick_y : November 11th, 2023-00:12
The watch is thinking, "it's a good day to wear the owner!"

Indeed. I wore my AP for the last few

 By: SingaporeMarc : November 11th, 2023-13:39
Days and found myself missing my GP 😍