Props to the GP After Sales Service Team πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Jan 24, 2025,21:56 PM

My newest addition (Laureato) is tight on my wrist. Called GP to order 2 extra links. Exactly 24 hours ago, I got through to one, single point person who handled everything from specs to order to payment to confirmation to shipping. So exactly 24 hours later, from initial contact, my 2 extra bracelet links are on the way to me via FedEx with a tracking number. It’s SO REFRESHING to not have to deal with and spend hours on and days on a maze of customer service representatives , only to receive wrong info or wrong parts. This was an exceptional service experience with GP; Prompt, courteous, efficient, one point of contact - DONE DEAL πŸ‘πŸ»

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Gorgeous watch,

By: Gelato Monster : January 25th, 2025-02:48
Great brand without being everywhere And now Efficient while staying personal service.

Yes, it is very convenient for these issues !

By: Aquaracer1 : January 25th, 2025-14:49
Although, I am not sure if GP service is performed at this local center in Florida, or if the watch gets sent to Switzerland for service. I guess I’ll find out when it’s time to service my Laureato!