Vietnamese style braised pork belly 🇻🇳

Jan 21, 2025,05:52 AM

Last weekend we discovered a local Korean BBQ place. While it wouldn’t win any prizes in Seoul, it was a breath of fresh air in comparison to the rest of the local offering. Being the first time and not knowing the portion size we overordered, and while the beef was gone by the end of the meal the pork belly wasn’t, so they packed the meat up for us. 

I was somewhat sceptical, never having made pork belly at home before but waste not, want not and all that, decided to give it a try. As recipes are nowadays only a click away I checked several from Korea and China but settled on a Vietnamese one, as I didn’t have all the ingredients for the others (and it was Sunday, so shops closed).

After the initial frying of the meat in a wok, a sauce (soy sauce, fish sauce and brown sugar as well as ginger and lemongrass) is whipped up and then the meat added back in and covered with sufficient water to cover the meat and then the whole ensemble left to simmer for about 45 minutes, until the water was fully gone. 

While I didn’t have excessively high hopes the dish turned out excellently, well enough to consider regularly doing it. For a cut of meat that I wouldn’t touch with a barge pole as a child there’s much to be made of with the correct recipe. 

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I think I shall ask you to comment my cooking 😊

By: KMII : January 21st, 2025-18:47
I couldn’t have put it better - seemingly the kind of dish you are well acquainted with 😊👍🏻

You have left the Dark Side.

By: TheMadDruid : January 21st, 2025-20:58
I am happy to see you cooking the meat. We can remain friends on our journey to kill dinosaurs and turn them into watch straps.