cazalea[Seiko Moderator]
On the one morning (out of dozens) that she got up first ...
Dec 31, 2024,16:07 PM
I was using my iPhone to casually scan through WPS (as one does), looking at this year's collection by JLUX,
when I heard the far-away sounds of my wife clanging and banging things in the kitchen (as they do).
She came nearer and called "What kind of tea do you want?"
I responded, "Oolong", and resumed my scanning.
Minutes later I heard her coming down the hall. I raised my eyes just as she entered the room. I was shocked and amazed at what she placed in my lap!
Mushroom and cheese omelet, crispy bacon, and toast cut off a loaf I baked last night. And enough Oolong to drown a regiment of Brits, with a holiday napkin. Orange juice, not shown.
I asked, "Is this the end of the Old Year, or a harbinger of better things to come in the New Year?"
She answered (as they do), "Old year, Don't get crumbs in the bed!" (as if I would).
After breakfast, I got up, finished my orange juice, washed down my pills, and strapped on my GS, ready for a new day.