a burger, some fries and a beer...

Jun 06, 2024,22:21 PM

after the dinners in L'Eau Vive and Restaurant Kei, this is still very much an enjoyable and comforting meal 😂

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 By: InHavenPro : June 6th, 2024-22:26
I swear to all things good and true, I've enjoyed a burger and fries just as much in life as any fancy meal I paid hundreds of dollars for....

same for me! cheers! 🍻

 By: terbaboom : June 15th, 2024-17:05

Cool! I can understand why 😉

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 15th, 2024-19:44

Looks delish!

 By: gregcarraram3 : June 7th, 2024-00:54

 By: terbaboom : June 15th, 2024-17:07
yes, and the Belgians do their fries very well

I fully understand the enjoyment one gets out of fancy meals,

 By: clemens m : June 7th, 2024-03:40
but give me a good burger with fries or even more some great "comfort food" of our local Austran cuisine and I'm in heaven!

can't agree more 🍻

 By: terbaboom : June 15th, 2024-17:10


 By: amanico : June 7th, 2024-05:09


 By: terbaboom : June 15th, 2024-17:10

Great meal and drink

 By: Moka-Tiger (Ron) : June 7th, 2024-09:50
And there is nothing wrong with a burger! They are great "comfort food". One new hobby is finding burger places that are new (or new to me). And?? What were you wearing on your wrist here?? Anything goes well with a burger meal.

this GS was on my wrist

 By: terbaboom : June 15th, 2024-17:12