Possible dilemma coming up.....

Jan 17, 2025,04:20 AM

I'm at some crossroads. The Automatique Reserve was *my first one*. However, after really falling for the brand, it was followed by RDM, CB, UTC and finally the Resonance. The resources are not unlimeted, of course, and because of those later purchase, I'm thinking it would be just prudent to let go of the AR. .....at the same time, I have a hard time to let go of the one that started it all. If I keep it, some other dear watches of other brands will have to go. I've been collecting now for almost 3 decades and my head is normally pretty clear and I know what I want and what I do not want and what to do next...but honestly in this particular case I'm going back and forth for whatever reason.

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If it is not getting wrist time

By: TeutonicCarFan : January 17th, 2025-04:26
Let it go. In unlimited resources I say keep everything. But when that is not the case, no reason to keep just because. Another consideration, and I don’t follow fpj(although I really want. CB), is I think this one could be required easily of your tastes ... 

I think I personally wouldn’t let it go. Here’s why:

By: quattro : January 17th, 2025-06:22
1) It started your Journe journey, 2) it’s one of the best looking of the bunch, imo (personal taste of course, but my favorite from an aesthetic standpoint are RDM and AR), 3) your Journe watches don’t only have an individual value, they also have a coll... 

Difficult but having made similar choices in the past I would say keep it

By: christianch : January 17th, 2025-07:17
Unless you absolutely need the money I would keep it. I did let many of my watches go in the past which did lead to some regrets. What doesn't get a lot of wrist time today, can still get some wrist time tomorrow. You have a fantastic collection and I thi... 

I think some very good advice has already been given …

By: ChristianDK : January 17th, 2025-08:09
If it is any help here are some of my own thoughts… I have set up some guidelines for my self based on my own collecting experiences looking back. I have tried to write a summery for you below. If you find anything in them that you think useful please fee... 

Great summary Christian.

By: Derreck : January 18th, 2025-21:19
I read every reply and yours was the one that resonated the most for me. Very logical and clear way of thinking. Anyhow, just wanted to thank you for the post, took note for my future collecting adventures. Hagwe

Wow, thank you so much for your very kind words, Derrick!

By: ChristianDK : January 18th, 2025-21:47
If this is of any use to you, then that makes me extremely happy. Enjoy your weekend my friend 🤗

I recently let

By: E in PA : January 17th, 2025-10:06
some particularly valuable watches go. I lived on an Island where motorcycles/mopeds over 150cc’s were not legal. A friend of mine (and a policeman himself). Bought a Triumph (1200 cc’s) which was obviously never going to see the road. He would take it ou... 

Personally, If not worn alot

By: shafran : January 17th, 2025-10:26
I would let it go. I see some redundancy with the RDM, and the RDM winning for me. They would both be worn in similar situations for me. I think the RDM is more "Journe"

I had this very same problem

By: onewaycollecting : January 18th, 2025-13:00
Just remember this and someone else told me this: if you let it go and want to get it back, is it possible? Some pieces will be unattainable for different reasons

Thank you kindly everyone...

By: WatchFan1 : January 19th, 2025-04:22
.....for your time and sharing your thoughts...EVERYONE! Some great points were being shared and a few *really hit home* as they touched upon my very situation pretty much spot-on. Thank you very much again.