F.P. Friday - Tribute to our friend Spangles - please join

Jan 17, 2025,13:22 PM

Dear friends,

Less than a week ago, we lost our friend and long time member "Spangles -  Dr. Tabby" to cancer.

If you didnt see it already, there is an announcement post on the "Time Out" forum with many beautiful words of appreciation for "Spangles" or  Christopher Dye - Spangles civilian name.



I have to say, I have been thinking very much about Christopher/ Spangles this past week and am personally very saddened by the news.

Next month it will be 6 years since Bill decided to reopen the F.P. Journe Forum with me as the "general janitor". Spangles our Pirate Cat was one of the the very first to post and was a regular and valued contributor. I will miss him dearly.

I would like to dedicate this FP.Friday to Spangles. I am posting some of his pictures he shared here of his gorgeous MOP.

Please join me for this weeks F.P. Friday with whatever brand you are wearing on your wrist as a farewell to our friend Spangles.

I wish you all a great weekend


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Bored? Are you crazy. We love it 😊

By: ChristianDK : January 17th, 2025-15:13
It’s a very unusual Resonate and I am always grateful when people make the effort of sharing their pictures. Enjoy your weekend and that beautiful watch. Christian

This is a very nice gesture Christian.

By: ars1g09 : January 17th, 2025-14:39
I have only very recently joined the forum, so unfortunately did not get to know him very well - but such kind gestures from the community tells me everything about what positive of an impact he had.

Yes, he was a great guy.

By: ChristianDK : January 17th, 2025-15:15
Straight shooter but very on point. I’m very happy that you joined us. Have a great weekend

I don’t have any FPJ’s and I’m just wearing this Reverso today.

By: GWIS : January 17th, 2025-14:41
I was very sorry to hear about Spangles. I remember some of his posts being “forthright”(!) but he was very well informed and I always enjoyed reading what he had to say. RIP. All the best, Jon ...  

I love your Reverso. Somehow the gold cases suit them so well.

By: ChristianDK : January 17th, 2025-15:26
Thank you for joining in. 😄 Yes, Spangles was certainly forthright but I think it was just his style. I’ve never seen that he was bad or impolite to anyone. Someone described him as very New Yorker. I think that kind of made sense. I also had some nice ta... 

What a sad news...

By: quattro : January 17th, 2025-16:26
I've hardly known Spangles, unfortunately, but I liked his Pirate Cat avatar and can only feel very sorry for the loss many of you feel hurtfully. Joining the farewell with my LF and a nod to his very special MOP. Best, Emmanuel ...  

What a gorgeous and classy LF, Emmanuel

By: ChristianDK : January 17th, 2025-19:41
I love your picture. Very classy. Thank you for joining in. Have a wonderful weekend 🤗

Here's to a private jet flight to a better place

By: cazalea : January 17th, 2025-17:35
I know he had received an Eichi and so this is the closest I could come to that watch: Mike ...  

Thank you, Mike, for your kind words.

By: ChristianDK : January 17th, 2025-19:44
I had a lot fun looking at Credor during my recent trip to Japan. I’m still hoping I can add one some day.

Thanks for sharing this one Christian.

By: Jay (Eire) : January 17th, 2025-19:45
This was the watch Spangles wore the very first time I met in person. At time well before Journe was as widely know and popular as today. And a watch, despite its beauty, that was not seen much or talked about much. It was a very much an “on point” choice...  

There it is in all its glory. I love your VB - I love all three and I’m not even sure about a preference

By: ChristianDK : January 17th, 2025-20:23
And I do get what you’re saying about this one in the gold case being the better of the two. It is a little master piece. I hope you enjoy it now and then. You’re right that Spangles MOP also has to be seen in context of a different time. Not the obvious ... 

Beautiful remembrance of our great friend, Christian.

By: TheMadDruid : January 19th, 2025-00:14
So glad you posted this. I can remember Chris coming late to lunch with Ken, Jay and me at an Italian joint in Mid-town, wearing that. Here’s to Spangles, the Pirate Cat. That’s my wrist wearing Chris’s Frodsham in May, 2021, right after he got it. ...  

Thanks Mike 🤗

By: ChristianDK : January 19th, 2025-10:12
That Frodsham is one of those watches I always think of when I think of Spangles. It’s such a refined choice showing that he was a genuine connoisseur. Same as what Jay said with his MOP dials. He had exceptional taste besides being knowledgeable and witt... 

I was looking for a picture of Chris wearing my RQ and couldn’t find one.

By: TheMadDruid : January 19th, 2025-17:47
I then remembered that when he and I met that day I didn’t have the Resonance-it was back in Switzerland because it didn’t “resonate” the way it was supposed to when I first got it. I don’t think Chris ever got to see it in person. ...