Happy CNY all

Jan 29, 2025,08:51 AM

A long week with the missus’ family at the seaside in Hainan - lovely weather, I get well fed and taken care of, and am getting through a few good books…so can’t really complain, especially with the Alpine Eagle (which has become a fave travel watch) on the wrist…

Happy lunar new year to all those who are celebrating!



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Such a nice watch!

By: patrick_y : January 29th, 2025-16:28
Is the scratch resistant metal making a difference for you? And do you have any problems with the fiction fit clasp?


By: Esharp : January 30th, 2025-06:12
Couldn’t say if the Lucent steel makes a difference…I try to be careful with my watches. This one has gotten a few scratches but does seem to be holding up well. The clasp is fine. Think it popped open on me once a few months ago, but that was just after ...