Yesterday was one of my worst travel days ever…

Jan 18, 2025,15:08 PM

Boarded a plane in Reno at 5.30 am local time, got off my final flight at 11.00 pm local time in DC. Multiple mechanical delays in both Reno and DFW. Not a great day for American Airlines. Of course — plenty of time to admire my timepiece — at one point, the natural lighting streaming into the plane caused the cabochon to glow. I tried to capture it — not very well I am afraid. 

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Well that does suck.

By: Jay (Eire) : January 18th, 2025-16:57
I’m three for three with BA in the last year in terms of cancelled flights on one leg of my journey. Not to mention their service generally just seems to have deteriorated year on year.

Sorry to hear that you had a rough journey.

By: Derreck : January 18th, 2025-21:34
Glad to hear that even though with a significant delay, you arrived at your destination and that you had a companion to distract you during your hard voyage.

Thanks everyone—I am quite chill and go with the flow when it comes to air travel. Yesterday was a comedy of errors — three planes — two in Dallas — and three sets of mechanical issues.

By: orahu : January 18th, 2025-22:31
It was hard on the flight crews — we actually deplaned in Dallas, after two hours — because of a mechanical issue — went to a different terminal for a second plane, with the same crew — only to have that plane be delayed for other mechanical problems. At ... 

Reading your posts brings back nightmares with American . . .

By: Mach : January 19th, 2025-13:56
I was assigned to a project in Geismer, LA. My flights would be from BOS to CLT. Besides having to run to the the other terminal to catch my flight to BTR. Usually, we were on an E170/E175 and there would always be mechanical issues. One day, we left the ...