Uncle Chico, you certainly have a nice one there.

Nov 08, 2023,17:09 PM

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Comments: view entire thread


Just a touch of blue.

 By: lm6 : November 8th, 2023-15:49
It's quite difficult to capture the blued hands on photo, they most often appear almost black. ...  


 By: enjoythemusic : November 8th, 2023-16:19

Nicely captured.

 By: amanico : November 8th, 2023-16:34

Merci mon ami.

 By: lm6 : November 8th, 2023-17:31

Well captured.

 By: Uncle Chico : November 8th, 2023-17:05
I know what you mean about blue hands. The angle of the light has to be just right. ...  


 By: m2 : November 9th, 2023-19:22

I fully agree!

 By: 1WatchMan : November 8th, 2023-19:06