In light of my frugality post from yesterday.

Jan 19, 2025,23:02 PM

It is no secret that I really want a Cartier tank watch, I have been 

thinking of ways to obtan one (legally of course smilesmile).  I can sell this, trade that,
but with my new frugality mindset I think I will just set a litte $$ aside
whenever possible, even small amounts and pocket change and eventually
I wil have enough for it.  By doing this I think it will make me appreciate 
it even more vs. just going out and buying it immediately, even though
taking my recent setback into consideration I can't do it right now.  I do
appreciate them and am gratreful for all of my watches, maybe even moreso 
of the Cartier when I eventually am able to strap it on.  I've never been a 
"save fot it" kind of guy, I was a "want it, go get it guy".   The frugality
mindset has changed all of that, and I have a new outlook on a lot of things.

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Comments: view entire thread 

I am seriously considering a

By: Thomas_3 : January 19th, 2025-23:52
side hustle/second job. I hate to get off work and have to go to work though. A part time job doing something I enjoy may not be all bad, don't have to do it forever. I would want it to be close to home however. Close to me is Bass Pro, Cabela's, Home Dep... 

Whatever you do, don't sell the guns.

By: MichaelC : January 19th, 2025-23:37
I meant to include that opinion in my other reply. If I ever have to choose between guns and watches... well, my wrist might be bare, but my hip and shoulder will not ;-)

You’ll get the Tank someday

By: Aquaracer1 : January 20th, 2025-00:10
It takes some patience. Seems like a very reasonable approach. I was never a “wait for it” watch guy either. Until mid last year, had a financial setback as well. Luckily I am not so attached to watches in general that I could not have a major sell off. O... 

Hi Thomas

By: riverside / Henry : January 20th, 2025-03:15
I am in a similar frugality situation as yours, but for a different reason. Getting back to your question on buying a Cartier Tank watch, if I were you and could afford it NOW, I would buy it now. The reasons: - I could enjoy it earlier; - Its suggested r... 

There will be a reward for this new attitude.

By: mblum3 : January 20th, 2025-16:46
In order to send my son to sleep away camp, I took what ever I could each week and put it away. I enjoyed forking over the money much more than if I just had it at my disposal. As a young person in my mid twenties, "home improvement" came one thing at a t... 

My objective was to have it by spring, but that has been pushed back to probably

By: Thomas_3 : January 21st, 2025-14:55
fall/winter of this year. The $$$ objective is probably that of the large quartz version of the tank. Not quartz because of the money, but because I would like to give a "higher end" quartz a try, no winding, and it is always ready to be put on even if it...