In light of my frugality post from yesterday.
Jan 19, 2025,23:02 PM
It is no secret that I really want a Cartier tank watch, I have been
thinking of ways to obtan one (legally of course

). I can sell this, trade that,
but with my new frugality mindset I think I will just set a litte $$ aside
whenever possible, even small amounts and pocket change and eventually
I wil have enough for it. By doing this I think it will make me appreciate
it even more vs. just going out and buying it immediately, even though
taking my recent setback into consideration I can't do it right now. I do
appreciate them and am gratreful for all of my watches, maybe even moreso
of the Cartier when I eventually am able to strap it on. I've never been a
"save fot it" kind of guy, I was a "want it, go get it guy". The frugality
mindset has changed all of that, and I have a new outlook on a lot of things.