Anyone else like gold more after getting older?

Jan 02, 2025,00:25 AM

After I turned 30, my love of yellow gold increased exponentially πŸ˜‚ 

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I agree

By: Arronax : January 2nd, 2025-01:20
Even if I don't have a gold wach yet. Please be aware that the same seems to apply to wives and diamond sizes

Gold ! …

By: Cpt Scarlet : January 2nd, 2025-10:41
I can hear that classic Spandau Ballet record playing to your Cartier wrist shot. Personally, I love a good gold watch on my wrist.


By: Aquaracer1 : January 2nd, 2025-23:47
Never even thought about it / considered. Once I turned 40, five years ago, I couldn’t get enough of them. My wallet is cringing at the day I turn 50! πŸ˜‚

Nice watch. For me Gold vs White Gold and stainless depends mostly on the watch.

By: Blansky : January 3rd, 2025-16:14
Gold and black were always striking to me, Some watches just seem better in stainless and some really pop in gold (yellow/rose)

YEs, in fact I don't desire any ss pieces at ALL.

By: jp884 : January 6th, 2025-19:50
Gold is my preferred metal followed by platinum or palladium. If you feel old right now wait until you have kids the mental acceleration to exhaustion is rocket like.