Special (to me) Breguet coming today....

Sep 04, 2024,11:59 AM

Excited for the FedEx delivery. Photos to come....

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Is it there yet? ;-]

 By: enjoythemusic : September 4th, 2024-12:25
Hmm... ...  


 By: Aquaracer1 : September 4th, 2024-14:41

Looking forward to your update!

 By: Aquaracer1 : September 4th, 2024-14:41

Hummmmm, what can it be???

 By: amanico : September 4th, 2024-15:42

Unfortunately, will be a few hours till I can post a photo.

 By: MDT : September 4th, 2024-16:22
I've been a Breguet fan for many years. Thinking this may be my Breguet "end game piece".... I know, famous last words...

This one?

 By: amanico : September 4th, 2024-16:50

 By: MDT : September 4th, 2024-20:07
Are you psychic

Great feeling

 By: The Berlin Flatline : September 4th, 2024-19:21
Definitely looking forward to the pictures!

 By: MDT : September 4th, 2024-20:00
Here is a quick preliminary photo of what just arrived. I've been enamored with Breguet for many years, and proudly own 2 (ref 7137 and 7337m at least 1 of which will likely be listed in the marketplace after this acquisition). I have wanted a Breguet tou...  


 By: The Berlin Flatline : September 4th, 2024-20:40
Congratulations. I wish you a long and requited affair with it.

Big wow!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : September 4th, 2024-22:37

Triple Wow 🤩

 By: Jay (Eire) : September 5th, 2024-11:14
That’s a a crown for any collection. Congrats.

Looking forward to see your pics 🙏🏻

 By: Watchonthewrists : September 5th, 2024-05:52

Hearty congratulations!

 By: _thetexastimex_ : September 6th, 2024-08:17
Beautiful piece and a true connoisseur’s choice. Well done! Wear it in good health, my friend