Love setting the hands in a scissors format or a fork ..

Jan 25, 2024,12:05 PM

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Big fan of this one

 By: ifraher : January 25th, 2024-12:21

Cool watch.

 By: Timeout : January 25th, 2024-12:36
With a classic 7x5 rattrapante shot😊

Which I prefer over the 10x2

 By: Timeout : January 25th, 2024-12:45

Nice touch, great watch congrats

 By: xto : January 25th, 2024-13:36
Now where can I find a machine to shrink it to my wrist size?


 By: amanico : January 25th, 2024-16:37

My favorite Breguet and killer dial

 By: Larrykelley11 : January 25th, 2024-19:28