Isn’t Breguet the master of beautiful guilloché rotors (as well as dials)?

Jan 25, 2025,21:10 PM

Calibre 502.3 

credit: rw1008

Calibre 517GG

credit: time & tide

Calibre 777Q

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Well said.

By: quattro : January 25th, 2025-22:04
Maybe not the master of lugs though, as their generally very straight lugs aren’t always synonymous to perfect fit (at least on my wrist).

I was so close to pulling the trigger on getting a Breguet

By: mblum3 : January 25th, 2025-23:51
many times. As much as I love the designs, i never felt a comfortable fit in the wrist because of the lugs. They are certainly beautiful and great value for the money!

Me three.

By: xto : January 26th, 2025-14:58
If Breguet would tweak those pretty but sticking straight out lugs a little bit down towards the wrist, a whole lot more References would fit me

All three gorgeous!

By: mblum3 : January 25th, 2025-23:46
I don't recall seeing the rotor of the second picture. Not sure if it's my favorite because of that, or the design itself. For me it's the one that makes the eye move. The other two have movement within the guilloche but the rotors themselves are more of ... 

It’s so true!

By: GDG25 : January 25th, 2025-23:51
A pour pic because it’s a screenshot of a springbalance video, but a great work of art ...  

I think the guillochage is fantastic, but...

By: indignantdenial : January 26th, 2025-00:27
there is a distinct lack of bevel or polish on the rotor's edges. It's a pity because even a thin mirroring would look very pretty on what is already a nicely finished product. It is most certainly within Breguet's pricepoint and technical expertise to ex... 

It's an improvement, and rather beautiful...

By: indignantdenial : January 26th, 2025-22:51
but for instance, I am suggesting Breguet take after Blancpain with a nice mirrored bevel: ...  

Very beautiful 😍

By: Dimardi : January 26th, 2025-02:34
Thanks for highlighting this...very beautiful. Gorgeous finishing on the movements.
By: MDT : January 27th, 2025-13:57
Breguet is one of my all time fav brands. I sometimes look at their watches and tell my self, if this same watch had a Patek label on it, it would cost 4-5X as much, particularly if on the secondary market.