Thanks for sharing the wonderful wrist shots, Tom.

Feb 05, 2024,15:36 PM

The reflection from the ceramic bezel gives an appealing vintage look.

Cheers, Henry

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Fifty Fathoms

 By: tomch : February 5th, 2024-15:08
Set in the right light. ...  

Thanks for sharing the wonderful wrist shots, Tom.

 By: joenghenry : February 5th, 2024-15:36
The reflection from the ceramic bezel gives an appealing vintage look. Cheers, Henry

Awesome photographs!

 By: MiguelFlash : February 6th, 2024-12:51

The strap is very comfortable...

 By: mdg : February 6th, 2024-16:52
...and the ratchet on the bezel is smooth and precise...

Wow, great photos.

 By: @wewannaporsche : February 6th, 2024-19:26