Some more shots !

Jun 09, 2022,22:58 PM

On original strap

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Fifty fathoms with Golden touch !

 By: gautamak : June 9th, 2022-14:46
Pulled out this beauty to admire. So thought of sharing the pleasure. Cheers ! Gautam ...  

Thanks a lot

 By: gautamak : June 9th, 2022-23:00

A Royal FF and that too Limited Edition!

 By: Pun : June 9th, 2022-15:22
It's an amazing watch. Thanks for posting. Regards

Very true sir.

 By: gautamak : June 9th, 2022-22:44
Thanks a lot. Yes itโ€™s limited to 88pcs. ๐Ÿ™

very different character in gold. Lovely!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 9th, 2022-15:29

Thank you.

 By: gautamak : June 9th, 2022-22:45

ssssssshhhhhh stop telling people!! ;)

 By: paneristinumerouno : June 9th, 2022-16:05

Very cool

 By: TeutonicCarFan : June 9th, 2022-16:09
That gold bezel is unique for sure!

Some more shots !

 By: gautamak : June 9th, 2022-22:58
On original strap ...  


 By: gautamak : June 9th, 2022-22:47

Thatโ€™s another reason to pull out of safe.

 By: gautamak : June 9th, 2022-22:47
As advised keeping it for over 2 decades and for sure it remains ๐Ÿ™

 By: Louise919 : June 10th, 2022-09:22
wow, it really suits you.


 By: gautamak : June 10th, 2022-13:36