Nicely worded! [nt]

Mar 24, 2014,23:53 PM

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PreBasel 2014 : H. Moser & Cie.’s Venturer Small Seconds

By: Kong : March 23rd, 2014-19:39
Heinrich Mosers entrepreneurial spirit is celebrated with the new Venturer Collection of watches. The Venturer Small Seconds with its HMC 327 movement, the first timepiece in the collection, reaffirms H. Moser & Cie.s renown for crafting high precision ...  

Thank you Kong. I really hope that H. Moser & Cie....

By: Sandgroper : March 23rd, 2014-23:35
will go from strength to strength, I really like what they do and their philosophy. High Quality + Simplicity = Success to me;) I hope to one day own one. Cheers Francois from down Under

+1 ...

By: Kong : March 24th, 2014-01:26
hope they continue this way too. They really know the art of simplicity. There are more surprises for Basel, let's wait for them to reveal. Kong

The Venturer has many plus points

By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : March 24th, 2014-07:58
Case size, convex profile, indices. I think it will be a winner and a great addition to Moser's line up. Hope to see it in the metal someday. Thanks for the update Kong! Cheers Robin

Very nice addition

By: alphabeta81 : March 24th, 2014-09:42
I like the look and size, and the dial is what I wish the Mayu had (the double stick at 12 instead of the 12). Cannot wait to see more of what Moser has in store!

3 more models plus 1 movement yet to be announced...

By: aardvarkbark : March 25th, 2014-21:58
...according to Mr Meylan's comments of what to expect at Basel (and having already announced black perpetual calendar). Is this really 12.5mm thick? The Monard is 11mm and this Veturer case looks thinner than that of the Monard, though the domed crystal ... 

yes , more are coming...

By: Kong : March 26th, 2014-00:31
total thickness wise, not sure when the additional till some of us viewed the piece. Spec wise is 12.5mm, quite likely, as you pointed out is the cambered sapphire.