Weekday Subaru Boyracer Rammed by CHP

Feb 03, 2025,01:41 AM

Guys, this is a real incident that transpired right next to the Birdland neighborhood we walked in a week ago. I could have been hit by this bozo as it takes place about 6 am. 

The first 4-5 minutes cover all the action - apparently this guy had different sets of plates which he swapped from day to day, and he trolled the CHP in Oceanside, Escondido and San Diego (places are about 30 miles apart). This video shows them spotting his black WRX and the action that followed.

Brave cop decides end the chase (and his patrol car)

The craziest thing about this is the guy living in a tent along the curb about 50 feet from this collision who just watches the whole thing happening.

The driver was booked into jail and charged with

Evading a police officer, Wanton Disregard for Safety, Driving on wrong side, License plate forgery, etc

You never know who's coming at you!


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The crazies are out in full force lately...

By: Brandon Skinner : February 3rd, 2025-05:46
Did you see that car chase yesterday that ended at the end of the freaking Newport Pier?! And just today there was a standoff between the police and some a-hole at Beacon's beach near me. No bueno.

There’s definitely a lawlessness streak going since Covid

By: cazalea : February 3rd, 2025-13:03
Especially on Calif highways! since the CHP seems to have disappeared in SoCal — the former CHP HQ in SD was recently a homeless encampment.

Bye bye, license! 👋🏻

By: mjmccracken : February 3rd, 2025-14:08
Or do these guys just get let out a couple days later on bond to do the same thing again (and again)? Good on the cops for being so calm. He should’ve been beaten to a pulp on the spot (with zero protest from anyone).


By: PalmSprings : February 3rd, 2025-18:45
How much time is he looking at? He could have easily killed someone (or had a cop car do it) when they crossed the red lights. No idea what goes on in someones head, you always lose.