The excitement continues

Nov 27, 2024,05:33 AM

As Jaguar customers dream about the upcoming models …

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They seem to have succeeded beyond expectation 😁

By: KMII : November 27th, 2024-06:07
No Jaguar car launch in history seems to have generated so much excitement and engagement as this one. No publicity is bad publicity? πŸ˜ŠπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Not last time I checked…

By: KMII : November 27th, 2024-07:51
The issue being exactly the one you mentioned. Even with conventional dealers the perception has long been that you need two, one for driving, one for spares. And while the Ford era significantly changed motives the reality it seemingly didn’t do enough t... 

Glad to have this oldish gem…

By: Tim Jackson : November 29th, 2024-17:14
VDP from β€˜02 courtesy of a good friend, Cazalea. Not excited for EV, but I suppose it’s inevitable that they will be β€œrequired”… Cheers, Tim ...