That 70s Car

Jan 09, 2025,19:47 PM

If a Picture Could say a Thousand Words smile Two Pictures can fill a Book

Girls + InDebtButOnTime

This message has been edited by cazalea on 2025-01-09 19:46:30

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'70 454 Chevelle SS? . . .

By: Dr No : December 28th, 2024-19:41
. . . wish I still had the Car & Driver issue from 1970 comparing the Mustang Mach 1 and Chevelle SS to a '65 289 Cobra.

The last two legit muscle cars (other than the three verified . . .

By: Dr No : December 29th, 2024-18:19
. . . '72 Dodge/Plymouth 440 Six-Paks) were the '71 Mustang Mach 1 (high-compression 351 Cleveland) and '73 - '74 Pontiac 455 HD Pontiac Trans-Ams. (There were a few 455 HD Grand-Ams, too.). All the others were gone after '71, many after '70. The Trans-Am... 

Here's one more I'd completely forgotten . . .

By: Dr No : December 31st, 2024-18:39
. . . about, the '71 Mustang Mach 1 . . . . . . 429 Super Cobra Jet. So rare that I don't recall ever seeing one even back in the day. 375 hp thru a Ford 4-speed into 4:11 gears. πŸ˜“ ...  


By: sschew : January 9th, 2025-22:15
do you want the 2 biological machines or the 2 mechanical ones?

I went to grad school in the β€˜70’s in LA

By: cazalea : January 1st, 2025-15:39
In my memory all women looked roughly like these two girls … At a USC party I heard a guy complaining that USC girls wore bras but the girls at UCLA didn’t … a USC coed retorted β€œthey don’t wear bras because they don’t need them; they don’t have enough to... 

Fabulous times ...

By: bimbeano : December 27th, 2024-19:01
.. we will never see again :-(. This is one cool picture my friend. Bim

Such a cool shot πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‹

By: KMII : January 3rd, 2025-06:17
At first glance I thought there was a Citroen SM in the background (in my defense the pic is a bit blurry that far out). That would have made it even cooler πŸ˜‰

Yes. In Toyota-speak a TE-27. Enthusiasts nicknamed that particular model Mango. Corollas had been using 1200cc engines but in 72 (maybe 71 1/2?) Toyota offered an optional

By: InDebtButOnTime : January 10th, 2025-16:04
2-TC 1600cc motor which I opted for. Oddly it was OHV. Iron block, aluminum cross flow hemi head. It red lined at 6000 rpm and was happy to go there. The 4sp transmission shifted like butter and had fantastic synchros. Top speed was just a tick over 100mp...