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Jan 10, 2025,20:28 PM

Watching Netflix 😬

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Out and About, Wintertime Shopping in 2025

By: cazalea : January 10th, 2025-20:25
1961 Buick LeSabre I can't stand either of these stores but we needed some stuff urgently (like today) so made the trip, all surface streets in an attempt to fool the Volt computer and up our estimated "miles of range" forecast. It seems if I put 25-30 mi...  


By: KMII : January 10th, 2025-22:18
Apparently one reason that Chinese vehicles have large screens is that this then doubles as a den for the man of the house, escaping wife and offspring to the garage to quietly enjoy some movies or series 😁 Something a German development engineer wouldn’t... 

Honda showed a car in LA once

By: cazalea : January 11th, 2025-06:37
That you could back up to a house window “adaptor sleeve” and use the stereo for home entertainment. If I remember you could also heat & cool the house with the vehicles climate control. It was connected to the home’s natural gas supply to generate hydrog... 

Let’s see where the merger with Nissan takes it…

By: KMII : January 11th, 2025-11:21
The Japanese really seem to have missed the boat on practically everything over the past decade or so. Toyota can afford to play catch up, due to their financial health and size but for the others it’s tough, especially since the supplier base has also no...