Old Iron

Sep 11, 2023,21:40 PM

US Army trucks abandoned on the North Canol Road in Yukon Territory, Canada.  They were engaged in building an oil pipeline for strategic supply purposes during WWII and left behind after the project was completed.  The pipeline was decommissioned after the war and the road itself abandoned soon after to become an overlander’s destination.

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Gorgeous shots

By: mhz vph : September 11th, 2023-23:51
It's always fascinating to see where certain marks of human artifice turn up. Another more extreme example being the Isachsen C-47 wreck, also in Canada!

Grew up in BC

By: m2 : September 12th, 2023-00:19
and there are lots of interesting abandoned mining towns in Northern BC (right below Yukon) Worth checking out for sure.