First Acquisition for Year of Earth Snake

Feb 01, 2025,13:16 PM

Royal Oak Offshore black ceramic...

This message has been edited by India Whiskey Charlie on 2025-02-01 15:50:38

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Congratulations. That is a very unique feeling Royal Oak Offshore

By: MichaelC : February 2nd, 2025-16:41
I have had it on my wrist, and it felt like no other I have ever worn. Special. My only nitpick, which applies to all of the other refreshed 42mm dials, is that date shroud. To me it was changed for the sake of change, and I don't like it. My aging eyes c... 
By: sgfrkk96 : February 15th, 2025-18:09
I am just dying to handle one of these in person, they look incredible!!!