The 1815 Thin seen from the back

Apr 01, 2024,06:54 AM

For once, I  want to share a few pictures of the movement side of the 1815 Thin. This version is decorated sifferently from the regular 1815s and this thin movement also gives us access to the ratchet wheel, which in the normal 1815 movement  is covered by the 3/4 plate. 

And on top,of that, we should not forget the enamel dial. 


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Love the L093.1

By: indignantdenial : April 1st, 2024-07:08
Looks great in this execution as well as the normal one in the Saxonia Thin. But I really like the frosted plates. The below of the regular iteration are from Hodinkee. ...  


By: Dimardi : April 1st, 2024-07:50
Great watch everywhere you look. Great design execution by Lange. Thanks!